
At IPng, we understand that teams are built with more than one player. We try to think out of the box, and have an extensive technical understanding of the ISP industry and the experience to know when we can solve problems or when we need to ask for help to solve problems in any of your hosting and network needs. Why don’t you use IPng to:

  • Host directly physical machines or virtual machines at a competetive rate, or
  • Use our direct contacts to host a rack, a set of racks, or a cage in a datacenter.
  • Provide internet access to your network, or
  • Connect you to best in class network providers of high pedigree for larger needs.
  • Ask us a question or two about the things, companies and people we know, or
  • Connect you to other professionals who mitigate IT risks and advance your business.

As you can see, we are not necessarily posessive of our customer relationship. We’re good at some things, are opinionated on how things ought to be, and have a sorting hat of contacts, partners and providers that can pitch in to solve problems. We can of course coordinate, redirect, or partner directly.

IPng Networks GmbH
Chamber: CHE-290.311.610

Languages: Dutch, German, French, and English (preferred).